Well first of all language is a medium of communication. Tats wat it was when i looked it up last time in wikipedia. The real point of the excercise is to get ur point of view to the other person listening/readin. So it doesnt matter if the english ur speaking is a classical Wren and Martin prescribed, grammatically correct english.
The English (people) have a perfect word for this kind of nit-picking with the grammer 'The purists' (yes i know i dont know where to put the quotation marks in the sentence, but i dont care.
When i read thru the lessons annoyed me was some of the corrections they make is absurd. Usage of term 'cousin-brother','cousin-sister', 'co-brother','co-sister' is incorrect coz in actual english they dont exist.First of all there is no such thing as the perfect "English"... if everybody starts to talk like that, then it has to b "Thou shalt not" kind or shakespherean tongue. I mean just bcause of the british way of life doesnt think beyond parents and bros and sis, doesnt mean a country like india, where there is joint family of 3 generations cant coin a term for some relationships.
The beauty of the language is that, it keeps adapting itself. Americans add new terms to the language daily and noone has the guts to tell them that they speak poor english. In official communication, u can find terms that dont make sense. "I dont want nomore discussions on this topic". But if u tell them this fact, they acknowledge u and inform u readily that, here we speak "Americanized English". And they r proud of it.
I read somewhere that the future of english depends on what India and china speak. With 2 billion people in the world, we darn have the right to speak the way we want to atleast in India or in china. Please if u have any problems with the way we speak, then as they say in kannada "solpa adjust maadi" (kindly adjust)!
Indians r this way and damn proud of it...!! And yeah b4 saying plz speak the way the brits do, i would like to suggest try advocating them that 'plz speak the way we do". Would they accept changing their tongue to suit our needs? nopes,coz they have spoken like that for years and ditto for us as well. !
If u cant speak a language the way the monarchists of 19th century spoke, then that doesnt make me a fool or any1 else for tat matter. Jingoistic, no doubt, but i love speaking Hinglish or Inglish.
(As always, Disclaimer ;)) P:S: I have nothing against smyta or any1 who wants to correct us of our hrr..english! No hard feelings bros and sis!
At 10:01 AM,
nithyananda said…
I agree completely. perfecting a language is fine,its upto the individual,he or she can do anything.
but i am saying abt 'co-brother' issue. well, they never had terms for that relation, but we do. I really dont think its wrong usage of english to invent a word if it doesnt exist. wat say?
And besides, there r two kinds of english English(US), English(UK). Well i am saying add a third one English(india) and get it over with. No1 says to americans, u should use colour and not color. it is accepted tat they speak it this way here. So same thing for indians as well. English(India). The world will realize this and have a new version of the language.
Actually the syntax depends greatly on the compiler. As long as the compiler understands the code, nothin else matters.
but u have a point too. ppl should get their grammer right.But that should bwith respect to indian format and not w.r.t british grammer. British is out of our country and for good! We should follow a standard, Indian standard!
I am starting to sound like a neo-chavunist or wat? ;)
At 9:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
.. now now.. i am one of the purists. And so I take smyta's side!
and as refreshing the post was, the comments are more refreshing as well!:)
At 3:03 PM,
Blah! said…
not going to make this a poll's contest, but dude, you kinda read my mind :)
At 3:12 PM,
Blah! said…
not trying to be too picky, its grammAr :-) unless you meant the town in Indiana
At 5:58 PM,
nithyananda said…
Well wat is life without some purists trying to prove tat everything we do is wrong? ;) I just want to say tat being better speakers of english than the americans we darn well have the right to have our own standard English(india)! :)
cool man. finally we agree on something. :)
Grammer or grammer wats the diff? as phobe used to say in F.R.I.E.N.D.S potato or patato, wats the diff?
Damn, i was never able to get the spelling of grammar right! but tats my point actually, grammer makes correct reading, so y bother? :P wat say?
At 5:06 PM,
Blah! said…
//Grammer or grammer wats the diff?//
again, not trying to be picky - No difference unless you say "G" is different from "g" :).
hows it going dude?
At 5:21 PM,
Blah! said…
//wat say?//
long story short, as long as you are able to convey your idea across, thats good enough. the so called "purists" might have a different definition for "good enough". I think these wannabe purists are like the guys who drive a hummer! They are just trying to make up for something they lack ;).
At 10:56 PM,
nithyananda said…
Well kars, i dont care if its G or G or grammer or GrammAr. it conveys the meaning that its something to do with syntax for the language. And as there is no other word called grammer meanign something else, y bother :)
the morally uplifted "Purists" can crib,as much as they want. Just think of me as an ignorant fool who refuses to learn and b happy :)
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