My Thoughts and et al

Incoherant Musings ......!#!@#!@##^%$%@$%@$!#!@##~

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Life as a game of dice

"Death is a null point termination of a random variable called Life!!!"

I had taken a course on Advanced evalutionary computing last semester and It dealt with applying evalutionary principles for computation of huge problems for which you hve to choose the best possible answer from a huge sample space. It is like solving NP-Hard problems. But the point of the post is not tat. Its rather like a philosophical one... :)

I hate to b philosophical,but u know when u start to look at something from a broader picture, u start to understand that individuals r nothing in the grander scheme of things.

We usually start with a procedure of creating some initial population of some solution we need. And then we play god and make two ppl meet and do cross-over (a.k.a sex). But unlike real life cross-over always produces 2 children. :)And the children ideally should have the properties of the parent. but in computing as in life SHIT HAPPENS (SH) !!!! So if one of the child sucked big time or just happened to be bumped off the road well, again SH !!! U just hope that from the entire population atleast one of them made useful children and keep going on with the generation.

sometimes the characteristics of the parents r not great themselves ( do u need proof for this???? ;) ). So we randomly select some members and do mutation ( self-modification).

but if u look at life, then u will realize that what we apply to the prob is exactly the same. We do take characteristics from our parents, we do tend to pass them on to our children. Sometimes randomly some happen to get lucky, or some get it thru sheer hardwork or sometimes SH!!! The sole purpose of our life is to just act normally (which at best can b described as random) and to create generations of off-springs. If they did good in the sense that they r among the best possible representations of the community, great. If they didnt and r among the average or worse solutions, well tats life. None of it is in ur control.

So whenever u feel tat something is wrong with a person or a thing which u wanted desperately but didnt happen or things didnt go the way u expected it to. Just remember that SH It all depends on the fact that if the random person chosen just happens to b u for the good or for the bad. Yeah if SH did happen, there is always mutation. U modify urself to make urself better.there r no fixed rulez in life. We r afterall samples of a solution to a greater problem.

Comments on my philosophy r always welcome. This is just my idea of life.